Subject: Re: Network thingies not working
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rik Griffin <riscbsd@CHEESEY.DEMON.CO.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/18/1996 21:30:22
In message <> you wrote:
> On Jun 17, 10:44am, Rik Griffin wrote:
> > In message <> you wrote:
> > > Please note the ":0" at the end. And make sure that
> > > can be resolved correctly into an IP address.
> >
> > It can, and I have tried -display as well. Netstat
> > indicates that a connection is being made, but nothing happens from
> > there onward. Just like the telnet problem really, it's really odd.
> Well, I can think of one thing which upsets X and has caused me no end of
> headaches. It gets upset and hangs indefinitely if it can't do an
> lookup on connections and a forwards lookup on any authentication. This is a
Well, this would probably be helpfull if I knew what it meant !!!
What stops X being able to do this, whatever it is ?
> particular pain if you are using host based authentication (the default).
> Whilst this may not be your problem it can certainly produce the effects you
> describe. These problems would be at the server (display) end of the
> connection, not the place you are trying to launch things from.
I am using xhost authentication. For my experiments, I used xhost +, but
I know that this is a security hole, and don't plan on having any xhost
enabled machines as standard. If you have no hosts in the access list,
is this still less than secure ?
Any ideas on the telnet problem as well ?
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