Subject: Re[2]: ATAPI CDROM drives
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernhard Mogens Ege <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/17/1996 12:21:40
>>>>> "Alex" == Alex McLintock <Alex.McLintock@CHADWYCK.CO.UK> writes:
>> Yes, NetBSD/arm32 should deal with Rockridge just fine.
Alex> Has anyone actually plugged an ATAPI IDE CD Rom drive into a Risc
Alex> OS 3.5 RPC? Lots of people say "Yes it will work with RiscBSD" but
Alex> I tried it. I couldn't boot RiscOS let alone RiscBSD.
Alex> I know I can't use the drive until I either get RiscOS 3.6 or a
Alex> third party driver (such as Eidos? I think.). However I assumed
Alex> that if RiscOS couldn't use the device then it would just ignore
Alex> it. - That is what PC's do.
Alex> System Config: RPC 610, Risc OS 3.5 Conner CFS540A IDE Drive.
Alex> Goldstar R540B IDE CD Rom Drive.
Alex> (Please don't say I got the jumpers wrong - unless you know
Alex> something I don't).
Alex> Oh and yeah, I know this is a RiscOS type question and not
Alex> directly RiscBSD but....
I tried putting an ACER cdrom drive on my rpc600 machine, and then my
machine froze at the moment it tried to access the harddisc. It did that
no matter how I changed the jumpers on the cdrom drive. I tried
master/slave and with a 1280Mb Quantum HD (also the standard 200Mb). I
gave up on the ACER drive and bought a Panasonic 4x instead, which works
just fine (with RiscBSD, too).
Alex> [ Last question ] Has anyone compiled Unix commander? (UC) I tried
Alex> but it got confused over some screen handling routines and
Alex> termcap/curses is not my strong point. On the other hand I
Alex> compiled Xmaze and Xtetris without any hassle whatsoever.
Cant help there...
Alex> Alex
Bernhard Ege