Subject: Re: CVS setup (was Re: Missing arch/arm/conf/files.arm)
To: Chris Gilbert <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm26
Date: 02/05/2001 10:15:03
> I roughly followed what's on (note I make no promises on accuracy here though
> as I don't know that much about CVS):
> to do an initial setup, the easiest way though is to fetch the latest .tgz
> files and untar them under /usr/cvs/anoncvs/src. This means the dir
> structure is setup as needed.
> I've then got a CVS repository in /usr/cvs/local.cvs, and do an initial
> import with:
> cvs -d /usr/cvs/local.cvs import -I ! -I CVS netbsd netbsd current-date
> Then in /usr/src:
> cvs -d /usr/cvs/local.cvs checkout netbsd
> Then move all the dirs up out of the netbsd dir into /usr/src.
Not necessary. You can build NetBSD from anywhere providing the /sys
symling refers to the sys directory.
> No idea, but any developers list would have been able to help.
> Oh if you plan to use current on an RPC you'll need to use one of the recent
> VM patches otherwise it panics during boot (oh only if you've got maxproc
> over about 90)
Essential patch. With maxproc at 80 current boots single user but fails
going multi user with fork failures. Have you send-pr'd that VM patch
Chris? It may be time to prod the people on current users to get it
committed before it causes too much trouble.