Subject: Re: more tested peripherals on the TS-7200
To: None <>
From: Kamal R. Prasad <>
List: port-arm
Date: 01/11/2005 08:10:20
--- Toru Nishimura <>

> > I think small graphics processors for embedded
> devices (such as 
> > mobile phones) will be available soon, although it
> looks like the prices 
> > would not be much satisfactory.
> Ai... We, Japanese, literally millions, use mobile
> phone with small colour display
> everyday (every minutes in fact).  Their GUI is
> controlled by JAVA program.
> (SDK is available via free-download).   CPU is
> reportedly dominated by ARM.
What the poster meant is the use of a graphics
accelerator/controller for small lcd displays. The
fact that your mobile phone has a small colour display
does not mean that there is a graphics
accelerator/controller associated with it.


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