Subject: trying to boot on ADI coyote
To: None <>
From: Franck Baudin <>
List: port-arm
Date: 12/04/2003 15:32:12
Hi all,

I'm tryning to launch a current on the ADI coyote board :

This board is quite similar to the IXDP425 board, so I tryed to boot an 
IXDP425 kernel : sys/arch/evbarm/conf/IXDP425

Redboot 1.92 is installed onboard, and succed in booting Linux (2.4 
kernel for coyote) :
    RedBoot> load -r -b 0x1600000 zImage
    Using default protocol (TFTP)
    Raw file loaded 0x01600000-0x016a9d57, assumed entry at 0x01600000
    RedBoot> exec
    Using base address 0x01600000 and length 0x000a9d58
    Uncompressing Linux................................................ 
done, booting the kernel.

The problem is that netbsd IXDP425 kernel is configured to be loaded at 
0x10200000 (KERNEL_BASE_phys = 0x10200000), and this address is invalid 
on coyote. So I rebuild netbsd t be loaded at a lower address : 
KERNEL_BASE_phys = 0x1200000
    RedBoot>  load -r -b 0x1000000 netbsd.bin
    Using default protocol (TFTP)
    Raw file loaded 0x01000000-0x012abbdb, assumed entry at 0x01000000
    RedBoot> exec 0x1200000
    Using base address 0x01000000 and length 0x002abbdc

So, my questions are :
    1) can I change only KERNEL_BASE_phys ?
    2) how to choose KERNEL_BASE_phys ? Same as Linux (0x01600000) ?
