Subject: Re: acorn32, cats, shark ports switch to ELF
To: None <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: port-arm
Date: 04/07/2002 00:23:46
> > It should be, yes.  Make sure your a.out libs are in /emul/a.out/usr/lib/...
> > and make sure your (the a.out version) is up-to-date (anything newer
> > than "serveral months old" should work fine).
> > 
> I think I'm okay my comes from 1.5ZA.
The a.out compatibility works flawlessly once I copied all the dynamic 
libraries from /usr/lib and elswhere and I'm now running with the ELF 
tree that I built.

> Good plan. I think I'll do some backing up so that I can get back if it all 
> goes horribly wrong as well.
I did have to restore sendmail to an a.out binary as the ELF one repeatedly 
failed to send mail reporting rewrite problems. This occured both with my 
original and with a new one generated from the same .mc file. 
An a.out sendmail from a couple of weeks ago (which reports as the same 
version) was perfectly happy with both config files. Anyone got any ideas 
what is going on here?
