Subject: Re: Installation question - Was: Help -- Re: Followup on Video now works RiscServer 2200
To: William Yodlowsky <>
From: Warner Losh <>
List: port-arc
Date: 03/21/2001 00:43:53
In message <> William Yodlowsky writes:
: Moving on... I burned a CD with the arcdiag program (which worked), and
: the various current and release kernels, in both ecoff format and not.
This should work.
: None of them will boot from the CD, it gives a general "file not found"
: type error. So I'm guessing that you can't boot an ARC box that way.
: Is that a correct assumption? I noticed in the email I partially quoted
: below, that booting from a CD is never mentioned.
No. You can boot this way. However, many of the older boxes have
issues with file systems that mkisofs builds. They need to hae some
tweaks to get them to boot. I don't know what those tweaks are since
I've not had the time to look at the cd that's bootable that I have (I
can copy it, but images I make don't work).
: I also remember reading that one can pop an IDE card into an ARC box and
: use an IDE drive that way--now, I have a SCSI disk so that's not the
: problem--but could I put a plain VGA card into this thing and get
: "normal" video?
Maybe. Try it and find out. My guess is that your bios won't like
Your best bet is to create a DOS file system to mess around. Ideally,
you'd have some removable media that you can swap between machines. I
have a horrible system (involving a aha1460 card, ungainly encloses
and lots of swapping) that I don't recommend.