Subject: net booting on 4000SC
To: Michael 'Maki' Kato <>
From: Mark Abene <>
List: port-arc
Date: 09/26/2000 19:14:11
Pardon the ignorant question, but how are people net booting the netbsd kernel?
I've tried creating a boot item in ARC that points to...
multi()net()network()tftp(), but it says that's invalid.  I've also tried
multi()disk()fdisk()tftp(), but that's invalid too.  What worries me is when
I do an "A" in the debugger to list available devices, the network card isn't
listed.  I know it's recognized by the firmware because the ethernet address
is listed on powerup and a loopback is done.  So the card is good.
So what is the "proper" way to get ARC to net boot the kernel?
