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RE: Rookie questions about NetBSD/amiga
Now that I see more activity on the list, I had these questions regarding NetBSD on Amiga, does anyone know an answer?
> Hi NetBSD people!
> As I told in other message, I got NetBSD 9.2 installed on my Amiga 1200
> with a 68060 and I am loving it. However, although I am quite familiar
> with GNU/Linux, I don't have any experience with NetBSD; but I will be
> more than happy to learn. I have some questions about things I have a
> hard time finding any documentation about, I hope someone is able to
> answer me :)
> 1. Is it possible to change console colors from black over grey to
> white over black? I have seen it is possible to control it via the
> wsconsctl, but I have not been successful using that tool on Amiga,
> maybe it is related by the lack of wsfb support for native chipset?
> 2. Related to 1, is it possible to have a color console with
> native chipset?
> 3. In Linux I can switch between multiple shells with ALT+F1,
> ALT+F2... Is there a way to do something in a similar fashion with the
> NetBSD console?
> 4. I am using the GENERIC kernel. Are there other kernels on Amiga
> that could be useful for my setup? (68060 + AGA + built-in IDE + PCMCIA
> network card).
> 5. Any instructions for building my own kernel?
> 6. Any tips to make the system more lightweight on the Amiga? I
> followed some tips from Karl Jeacle [1] like turning off makemandb and
> postfix and they really made difference.
> Thank you!
> Carlos
> [1] http://www.jeacle.ie/pub/articles/netbsd/#dec2020
Carlos Milán Figueredo | HispaMSX System Operator | http://www.hispamsx.org | telnet://bbs.hispamsx.org | https://calnus.com
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