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Re: X.org and A1200 AGA Graphics

Frank Wille wrote Sun, 12 Sep 2021 12:56:55 +0200:

> > If so is there anyway to get X Windows going on an Amiga A1200?
> Not without a supported graphics card. Nobody implemented wsfb(4) for the
> Amiga's native chipset yet.
> As far as I remember it is also not so easy to implement wsfb for AGA,
> because of the planar display hardware. Maybe monochrome could be done
> without too much effort...
> You would probably need a new Xamiga, based on X.org, which is a lot of
> work.

I did some work on it a bit earlier this year to get it working in monochrome.
More than that seems lots of work as you say.

It's in -current now if somebody wants to try.


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