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Re: IOBlix

John Klos wrote:

> I was. My Amiga 4000 is flakey right now and needs a recap, which I
> won't get to do any time soon.

When you're located in Europe it might make sense to contact one of the
hardware experts on a1k.org. They already fixed my A4000 and A1200 (new
capacitors, Lithium battery, etc.).

> What is the speed of the oscillator on your IOBlix? If yours has a
> 22.1184 MHz oscillator, you can use it as it is. If it's a 24 MHz
> oscillator, you'll need to set option IOBZCLOCK in your kernel config.

That's a good hint. It would explain the flashing modem LEDs, although the
communication failed because of a bad clock.

> I seem to remember having issues with the generated clock being
> wrong... I fixed it, but perhaps I didn't commit the code. I think my
> patches were similar to what's here:
> https://mail-index.netbsd.org/port-amiga/2010/05/27/msg007401.html

It wasn't comitted in com.c and meanwhile the code changed a lot. But
tsutsui added an "sc_frequency /= 4" in amiga/dev/com_supio.c, which should
do the same.

I doubt this is correct, as com_supio.c is also used by other serial boards
on the Amiga.

Frank Wille

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