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Re: Possible problem with accessing DVDs larger than 4GB

Hi Mark,

sorry for the late reply. But I had to find somebody with a DVD drive on
his Amiga first. :)

On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 17:54:13 -0000
"Mark" <markk%clara.co.uk@localhost> wrote:

> Testing NetBSD 6.0.1 with emulated SCSI or ATAPI DVD drive, when you try
> to access a DVD which is larger than 4GB (2^32 bytes), the accessible
> range is truncated modulo 2^32.
> For example, one ISO image I used is 4933021696 bytes long.
> 4933021696 - 2^32 = 638054400 = 311550 * 2048.
> Using dd, it stops the 311550-sector point:
> # dd if=/dev/cd0c of=/dev/null bs=2048 iseek=311540
> 9+0 records in
> 9+0 records out
> 18432 bytes transferred in 0.089 secs (207101 bytes/sec)

We did the test with A4000 IDE, and after running for more than three
hours the 4GB barrier definitely had been crossed:

2173887+0 records in
2173887+0 records out
4452120576 bytes transferred in 7266.108 secs (612724 bytes/sec)

Frank Wille

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