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Re: Partitions invisible...

On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 02:34:51AM +0200, Robert Dörfler wrote:

i tried to install NetBSD 3.1 on my Amiga today, but after configuring
the harddrive (as described in the manual) the root, usr and swap
partitions arent avaible in the early startup menu.

What went wrong?

Do they appear at all? (There's a right menu, allowing you to
deactivate partitions, and a left menu, allowing you to select a
partition to boot off..  to they appear in the right one?)

Did you make them bootable?

If you think you can answer this with "yes", hm... maybe you can dump
the RDB and PART blocks for me to look over them?

Hrrm, FWIW I had exactly the same problem when I tried to install 3.0 on my Amiga4000-040 (3.0 ROM. I think. Or maybe I swapped and its 3.1..) which runs exclusively off of a CybSCSImk2. After writing the swap-image to the swap partition the disk doesn't show up _at_all_ in Early Startup Menu anymore. Tried LoadBSD:ing the install kernel directly, but it doesn't see the disk either. It does show up in the CybSCSI partition tool, however.

I'll have to check again to get a detailed description; I've been screwing around to get the SCSI bus acting sane[0], but eventually got two similar disks. Both show up in Early Startup Menu when SFS-formatted and marked bootable. I was thinking along the lines of whether there was something wrong with the "Custom boot code" and "reserved blocks"/"custom boot blocks" settings causing NetBSD partitions not to show up?

  I'd like to take a shot at it again, with 4.0.

[0] Mixing LVD, Wide and narrow SCSI2 disks on the same cable can cause the strangest behaviour. :-)

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