Subject: Re: Partitions invisible...
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Anders Lindgren <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/03/2007 13:33:58
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2007 at 02:34:51AM +0200, Robert Dörfler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i tried to install NetBSD 3.1 on my Amiga today, but after configuring
>> the harddrive (as described in the manual) the root, usr and swap
>> partitions arent avaible in the early startup menu.
>> What went wrong?
> Do they appear at all? (There's a right menu, allowing you to
> deactivate partitions, and a left menu, allowing you to select a
> partition to boot off.. to they appear in the right one?)
> Did you make them bootable?
> If you think you can answer this with "yes", hm... maybe you can dump
> the RDB and PART blocks for me to look over them?
Hrrm, FWIW I had exactly the same problem when I tried to install 3.0 on
my Amiga4000-040 (3.0 ROM. I think. Or maybe I swapped and its 3.1..)
which runs exclusively off of a CybSCSImk2. After writing the swap-image
to the swap partition the disk doesn't show up _at_all_ in Early Startup
Menu anymore. Tried LoadBSD:ing the install kernel directly, but it
doesn't see the disk either. It does show up in the CybSCSI partition
tool, however.
I'll have to check again to get a detailed description; I've been
screwing around to get the SCSI bus acting sane[0], but eventually got two
similar disks. Both show up in Early Startup Menu when SFS-formatted and
marked bootable. I was thinking along the lines of whether there was
something wrong with the "Custom boot code" and "reserved blocks"/"custom
boot blocks" settings causing NetBSD partitions not to show up?
I'd like to take a shot at it again, with 4.0.
[0] Mixing LVD, Wide and narrow SCSI2 disks on the same cable can cause
the strangest behaviour. :-)