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Re: www/firefox on NetBSD/m68k ?

John Klos wrote:
How could I monitor this? I've been building fairly steadily and been up for 42 days this time. I know some people had reported problems but I haven't experienced any on my (relatively lightly used) machines.
You can look at the "RES" size reported in top for any of the kernel 
tasks, such as ioflush or reaper. On an Amiga running NetBSD 1.6.2 with 
256 megs of memory, usage never exceeds 50 megs or so. On a NetBSD 3 
machine with 128 megs, it hovers around 20-30 megs.
Thanks, I will try to keep an eye on it.

Try building the firefox-gtk1 package; that's the one I was working on, since all the prereqs built OK. I did have to putz with the gdk-pixbuf build - had a missing symlink - but it worked.
That's running now.
Let us know how it turns out.  If it compiles for you, then maybe my 
failure is something specific to the NetBSD 2 issues???
I never got any NetBSD 2 packages built because of the kernel memory consumption problem, but I have plenty of 1.6.2 and 3 packages which I
Did anyone pinpoint the source of this problem?  It seemed to just "go 
away" in v3, eh?


Tim & Alethea

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