Port-amiga archive

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just reading back on the archives of this mailing list, there doesn't appear
to be much activity... how does the Amiga Port of NetBSD actually survive
I'm wondering?

I just fear if my prior question is answered at all, will it be in time to
be assistance...

I'm not complaining just food for thought...

do most of the maintainers communicate via other channels or everyone is
adept at telepathy? ;)

as a side note

I've been compiling using Amiga gcc 2.95.3 - 3.4 for about 4 years,
solely for the purpose of compiling mud codebases... I'm tired of not
having a real FORK!!!! but soon *mad laughter* with the aid of NetBSD
this will NOT be a problem...

hell... I might even try;

mkisofs -r -l -o /1/dvdcontents | dvdrecord -v -dao dev=1,0

for an encore! ;)

btw, just because I can compile doesn't mean I know a BEAN about source code!


~Yes I am a Kiwi, No, I did not appear as an extra in 'Lord of the Rings'~

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