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installing hard drive

Hi all,

It has been a long time since I have used Amiga OS and I just want to avoid any problems.
I am setting up another hard drive to put into my server and I was 
wondering if anyone could tell me if it is ok to us HDInstTools to 
partition the drive or do I need to use HDToolBox?
Could someone tell me where I can find some instructions on using 
HDToolBox? I have a 250 gig hard drive that I am looking to install and I 
am not sure how to use it with a drive of this size. It looks like I need 
to use advanced options and then manually put in the start cyl and end 
cyl. Then click on the used part of the bar that shows the parts used of 
the hard drive to create a new partition. My question is how do I figure 
the size of the partition in cylinders?
Also, I am setting up a hard drive to run 1.5.4 to put into a system that 
already has 2 drives with 1.6 on it. I would really like to keep the 
second drive. Is there a difference between the file systems in 1.5 and 

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