Subject: Re: How to build amigappc kernel and a minimal system to test?
To: None <>
From: Pawel Chwalowski <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/19/2005 10:37:25
Użytkownik Florian Stoehr <> napisał:
>> Would you be so nice to explain how can I create a NetBSD/AmigaPPC kernel and a minimal system to test it?
>- do you have system sources installed already?


>- do you want to cross-compile the kernel (say, from i386)?

The kernel and the system

>- have you read ?

Yes. So, to build amigappc binaries I need only a script as always? There is no "special recipe"? I mean it is not necessary? That's ok. The text on the port amigappc web page is not so clear: "A recipe to create a NetBSD/AmigaPPC kernel and a minimal system to test it will appear here shortly". It suggest me that it is something special to do.

Pawel Chwalowski