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Amigs 4000/040 IDE boot: Floppy loop?


I have a NBS\001 partition starting at cylinder 10. Sectors/Cylinder is 1008 -> Starting at block 1008*10 = 10080

When copying miniroot.fs (to "d", it's i386) via

dd if=miniroot.fs of=/dev/rwd1d seek=10080

then plugging in the disk to the Amiga and booting from that partition, nothing happens - except the floppy drive starts seeking in an infinite loop.

Hm, when I dd from /dev/zero to 10080, no floppy seek but instant reboot.

??? What's wrong here?

Since the SCSI controller is a non-supported oktagon, I try this with the on-board IDE. SCSI-controll detached.

Bootblocks support lacking here?


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