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Re: PCMCIA reset bug in netbsd

On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 01:18:10PM +0200, Emm Vasilakis wrote:

> I'm thinking of setting up a web server on an A1200. My main concern is
> how NetBSD handles the infamous card-reset bug in 1200/600 PCMCIA cards
> (under amigaos you need a small app to force a reset when the amigaos
> boots - I'm not too familiar with the tech aspects of this).

Hm? I think you need to solder a wire somewhere, to provide the reset signal
to the controler. An application isn't enough. I can't think of the URL for
the rework instructions right now, but it should be easily googlable.

seal your e-mail: http://www.gnupg.org/

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