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Re: Testers needed for A1200 PCMCIA

John Klos wrote:

I can do this, but I'm going to wait until I'm back in Los Angeles because the machine is colocated and I want to be there if I kill it.

OK, thanks.

One of these days I want to see about getting a wi Orinoco card working in there...

Heh, that could be fun; at last we may get something a bit different than simple Ethernet working on the Amiga 1200. I'll stay tuned.

What were the changes for?

On my side, I just did what was necessary to keep up with some MI changes done by mycroft. Basically, his changes allow to switch a card between memory and I/O modes, and I think his primary goal was to get more cards detected, and maybe multifunction cards; haven't looked in detail the rest of the changes.

Because we only use I/O cards on the Amiga (yet?) "it shouldn't affect us" (TM). But you never know.


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