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OT: reducing gif


I was wonder if someone could help me with this. I tried on the other list
but I didn't get much of a response. So, I thought I would try here.

I am trying to reduce the file size of gif images. I thought that if I
reduced the size of the image (the number of pixels) that it would also
reduce its file size.

This is what have I done:

agnus: {18} gifrsize -s 0.8 Picture1.gif > Picture1_scale.gif
agnus: {19} ll

-rw-r--r--  1 azick  wheel  10635 May  4 10:48 Picture1.gif
-rw-r--r--  1 azick  wheel  24570 May 13 14:22 Picture1_scale.gif

The image that I reduced is now has a file size of over twice the size of
the original. Does anyone know why, and what I can do to make it smaller?


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