Subject: Re: GRF_#? options for grfcc/amidisplaycc and grf/ite question
To: Jukka Andberg <>
From: Gunther Nikl <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/22/2003 11:37:24
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 09:14:59PM +0300, Jukka Andberg wrote:
> > Next question: the documentation for amidisplaycc states, that it
> > doesn't support X11 but for that grfX could be used. I then tried to
> Yes, amidisplaycc can coexist with grf0 because they both use the same
> grfabs code through which they share the display. With any other grfX,
> probably not, as you found out.

  I believe that my problem is really a problem of grf_cl.c for my
  PicassoIV. The driver simply disables the FlickerFixer and thus the
  console output. This would probably also happen with grf0 and no CL
  console with the PIV. If I would have a monitor directly on the RGB
  output, it would probably work. Improving grf_cl.c is probably not
  possible, is it?


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