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Re: tested harddrives [was: RE: Urgent!!!! server problems]


webmaster%datazap.net@localhost wrote:

I was just wondering if any has tried an IBm 7N6340 68 pin 36 gig  and
used a 50 pin to 68 pin adaptor. Does this work well? I talk to someone
at IBM and they say that the drives should work as long as I have a low
voltage controller. Does any one know if the controller on a Blizzard 2060
is low voltage?

I've got a Blizzard 2060, an IBM 68 pin HDD (DCAS-34330 SCSI-UW) and a 68 to 50 pin adapter. The whole group works nice.

Blizzard 2060 is not a LVD controller. You have to get Single Ended (SE) hard disks, not LVD ones.

Best regards,


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