Subject: Re: AmigaOne
To: None <>
From: Rob Andrews <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/31/2003 07:04:59
[ wrote in newsgate.netbsd.ports.amiga]
 > Does any one know if there are any plains to port NetBSD to AmigaOne? The
 > AmigaOne is a PowerPC based system, that also uses PCI cards for a PC. The
 > AmigaOne mother board was debuged with Linux. So, I would like to think
 > that NetBSD would be easily ported to it.

Well, linux is working on the AmigaOne, so I don't see why NetBSD shouldn't :)

The hardware is fairly generic - PCI slots, IDE controller, etc. If it works
out of the box, I'd be quite suprised but at the same time expectant.

I'd like to get one of the boards, but the price *really* is just a smidge
out of my range for a few months.

rob                                 <e> <pgp> 0x8bb5c71e