Subject: Re: IDE-doubler support
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/11/2003 21:05:36
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I've sent you the drawings from the Aminet hard/hack(?) "4IDE" project.
I've looked at them back then; I concluded that that hack does
- make the auxilliary register region inaccessible
- map instead in the "regular" register region.
Now, the old Amiga ide driver as well as the nowadays used machine-independent
driver access the auxiliary region for two reasons:
a) to reliably reset it (there's the WDCTL_RST bit)
b) maybe to disable the controller interupts (I don't remember anymore)
c) to read the alternate status register, which I think is readable without
clearing the status (or the pending interupt).
Now, if you simulate the altsts reading by some clever caching of the register
value (don't read twice if you now nothing happened), you might get away
without using it; I'm not familiar enough with that driver to decide.
Good luck!
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