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Re: NetBSD/amiga under emulation

I think the main problem with trying to run NetBSD under an emulated amiga,
will be the filesystem. Does UAE support using a dedicated partition for the
amiga side? If yes, then it might be possible.


----- Original Message -----
From: <ball%roam.eiu-newman.org@localhost>
To: <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 7:27 PM
Subject: NetBSD/amiga under emulation

> Hello Rob,
>   RA> I must admit to being very intruiged by this emulator
>     > - what's it called? If you say "uae", I'll be
>     > impressed!
> UAE is next on my list to try.  Currently it's running on
> WinUAE for reasons that involve a broken arm, a 7.6cm
> laceration to the side of my head and an X server that
> refuses to yield anything deeper than 8-bit colour on my
> laptop.
> On the Amiga side I'm trying some software that is usually
> used to drive graphics cards in physical Amigas.  One of its
> excellent features is support for UAE modes, where most of
> the graphics work is done in native code on the host.  It's
> so fast that it's easy to forget that the machine you are
> using is emulated.  I'm hopeful that the X version provides
> the same capability.
> As for booting NetBSD/amiga on the emulated machine: I may
> need something that turns dd style diskette images into ADF
> images that the emulator can boot.  Perhaps there's some
> Amiga equivalent to DOSBOOT though, which I usually use to
> start a NetBSD/i386 installation.
> Regards,
>   - Andy Ball.

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