Subject: OTish: BFFS
To: None <>
From: Lars Hecking <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/07/2002 23:56:16
 Hi all,

 Has anyone got bffs working with NetBSD partitions? I can't seem to do it.

 Details: A3000 Kick 3.1 ROMs, CS MkIII, bffs 1.5beta (didn't try 1.3),
          Quantum Viking 4.5GB (1st partition ADOS, rest NetBSD)

 I've prepared a mountlist and mount doesn't complain, but info doesn't
 show the device, I can't cd to it and get an error message that there
 is no such device. There's a BFFS task running, though. I tried both the
 read-only and the debug-enabled versions of BFFSFilesystem.

 My first idea is that those mountlist entries are wrong that are labeled
 "must agree with HDToolBox", but I think HDFoolBox is lying (it says
 251MB disk size, for instance). I also tried rdprep and scsiconfig, as
 well as disklabel under NetBSD, but none of these methods seem to agree
 on the same data.

 So, how can I, under AmigaOS or NetBSD, get the correct values for
 BlocksPerTrack, Surfaces (Heads), LowCyl, and HiCyl?