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Re: TCP/IP For A3000 workbench 2.0 ?

Yes, Commodore's TCP/IP stack (AS-225) originally didn't support SANA-II

Version 2 (later bought, modified, and sold by Interworks as "Inet225") did
support SANA-II though, and actually performed quite well (significantly
better than AmiTCP in my experience, using ASDG and C= NIC's).

Envoy was something entirely different; it was an Amiga-only networking
protocol that used SANA-II devices, but didn't speak TCP/IP.  I don't
remember if it was ever released, or just made available via the C=
developer program.

There was also a Pathworks client (made by Interworks, but I can't remember
the name anymore) that let you connect (mostly...there were a number of
"issues") Amiga's to DECnet networks.  That was quite...amusing. ;-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Sune Stjerneby" <sst%vmunix.dk@localhost>
To: <port-amiga%netbsd.org@localhost>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: TCP/IP For A3000 workbench 2.0 ?

> On Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 03:20:48PM +0100, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> > > - AmiTCP:
> > >
> > >   To my knowledge the oldest stack, can be complex and bothersome
> > >   and might be unsupported (official site, www.nsdi.fi, no longer
> > >   responds). Commercial/shareware.
> >
> >  The oldest is still the original Commodore TCP/IP stack which was sold
> > for the Arcnet and Ethernet boards.
> Was that AS-225? It didn't support SANA-II devices, if I recall correctly.
> There was also something called Envoy, but whether it did TCP/IP and
> bsdsockets is doubtful.

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