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Re: Amiga ELF

On Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 10:34:08AM -0700, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> "Ciarcinski, Adam \(ISS Brussels\)" <ACiarcinski%iss.net@localhost> writes: 
> > Has anybody succeeded in builing Amiga in ELF?
> > May I have a snapshot, please? :)
> > Thanks
>   I am in the process of doing a complete ELF build on one of my amiga
> systems.  It's a slow process - the machine is'nt real speedy, and I
> keep making mistakes.  I'm currently trying to build and test it using
> the current toolchain, and then was going to attempt a build using the
> new toolchain.  I could make the first snapshot available on ftp.netbsed.org
> once it's complete and I verify that it works on my system.

I'm running a new-toolchain cross-build. I'm at a point where I get to the
not-yet-cross-buildable part of the install media creation... however, I've
cheated at a point (for building the native (m68k-to-m68k) gcc, although
the problem seems to be understood by knowledgable people. And I've been
told that we probably want to move to using makefs in the install media
creation process.

I'll tell you more when I know what I'm talking about. 


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