Subject: Re: CNet CN40BC PCMCIA Ethernet card works on Amiga 1200 under NetBSD 1.5.2
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Aymeric Vincent <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/01/2001 20:51:44
Ignatios Souvatzis <> writes:

> > > product CNET CN40BC           { "CNet", "CN40BC&spEthernet",
> > > "D", "NE2000" } CNet CN40BC
> err - that is "CN40BC Ethernet", right? those are C strings, no HTML
> entities...

Whatever these are, &sp is the correct way of specifying a space
character in pcmciadevs (certainly due to the fact that this file is
processed by awk).

> > Unknown kind of PCMCIA memory (amiga/dev/pccard.c)
> Aymeric - is this line something to worry about or just an artefact
> of the Amiga code (I vaguely remember something like this)?

Yes, it's Amiga specific: I still didn't have time to write support
for attribute memory in the correct way.

And... Chris, I'm sorry to tell you that you were the victim of a
forgotten pull-up request. Your card has been supported in -current
for three months... (from cvs log pcmciadevs)

revision 1.131
date: 2001/06/29 14:56:22;  author: christos;  state: Exp;  lines: +3 -1
PR/13337: de SAINT LEGER Rodolphe: Add support for the cn40bc ne clone.
