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Re: bin/1212: The AmigaDOS file system has no fsck-equivalent

        You could still fsck a filesystem for which you do not have r/w
        support. We really should have at least a readonly fsck for all
        filesystems to avoid mounting a damaged filesystem and potentially

                David/absolute          -- www.netbsd.org: No hype required --

On Wed, 11 Jul 2001, Petri Koistinen wrote:

> Hi!
> There exists this old open PR, which states that:
> "There is no program that's the equivalent of fsck(8) for the AmigaDOS
> file system (ADOSFS)."
> Is this realy a issue? Adosfs provides currently read-only access to file
> system. So maybe we would need first r/w-access before implementing
> fsck(8) for adosfs. This PR should be postponed until such thing is
> implemented.
> Petri

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