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Re: NetBSD 1.5 release and kernel build
John <john%sixgirls.org@localhost> writes:
> Ahhh. I just compared the files in my m68k/060sp/ with those in
> NetBSD-current, and noticed that the Makefile.inc is 1.6 in current, and
> 1.5 in release.
> It seems that netbsd060sp.S and Makefile.inc in 1-5-release are not in
> sync.
> Would this be for you, then, Ignatios?
You're out of date:
File: Makefile.inc Status: Up-to-date
Working revision:
Repository revision:
Sticky Tag: netbsd-1-5 (branch: 1.5.18)
Sticky Date: (none)
Sticky Options: (none)
Michael L. Hitch mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant, Information Technology Center
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA
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