Subject: Re: /netbsd: ser0: silo overflow
To: Georges Heinesch <>
From: John <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 05/04/2001 11:46:14
> >>     'deflate 15,15'
> >>     'bsdcomp 15,15'
> >>     options    SERIBUF_SIZE=1000000 /* one million !!! */
> >>     options    LEV6_DEFER
> >>
> >>     -> no change! many errors!
> > a) what bitrate?
> Quite normal, between 3.5 and 5.1 KB/s

Forgive me if I haven't followed along very closely, but let me relate my
problems and tell you what I thought Ignatios was saying.

First, to be absolutely honest, an A3000 won't do 57600 baud reliably.
The buffer is too small, and the interrupts don't happen quickly enough.
In AmigaOS, things are a bit more lean, so you can usually do 57600.

So one of the fixes relies on the fact that modems generally compress;
this is why, with a fast serial port, you'd configure the speed between
the computer and the modem to be 115200 baud even if the modem is a 33k or
a 56k. Compressed text over 33k can easily exceed the speed of a serial
port running at 57600 baud.

So rather than allowing the modem to do compression, Ignatios suggested
you turn on ppp compression in software and run the serial port at 38400
baud. This way, the serial port of the Amiga, which is the weakest link,
will be transmitting slower but compressed data instead of faster but
uncompressed data, hence less errors.

Forgive me if I'm confusing this thread with another that was here
recently, but it's all the same from Ignatios - good info worth repeating.

Good luck,
John Klos