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Re: BFFS Icons

Ignatios Souvatzis skrev:

>The reason it can't set the clean flag is that there seems to be no way to
>fully unmount a file system in AmigaOS... you "just boot" anytime the disk
>isn't active.

"C:Assign DISMOUNT Device:" has always worked fine for me. At least it gets
rid of the icon. =)

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.

"LART is an acronym for Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool, and is generally a
piece of heavy hard material such as a cricket or baseball bat, hunk of pipe,
or 2x4 for the fine tuning of a luser's atitude. This is a noun that can be
used as a verb. If I say I lart someone, I mean that I am performing delicate
tuning procedures upon that persons head utilizing a  LART. An ICBM would be
considered an agressive LART."

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