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Re: Install Problems on A4000T

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 11:03:51AM +0200, Markus Müller wrote:
> ./sbin/mount_adosSIOP: SCSI GROSS Error
> siopchkintr: target 0 ds 0x38801c
> scripts 8192da8 ds 88ba01c rp dd0040 dsp 8192dcmd 18001dd0
> siopchkintr: istat a dstat 0 sstat0 48 dsps 8844000 dsa 88ba01c sbc1 20 sts
> ff msg ff ff sfbr 0
> Stopped at   0x154ed6: unlk a6
> Best Regards from Austria,
> markus
> My system consists of:
> A4000T, 060/50 Rev1 FPU/MMU, 102 MB Fastram, 2 MB chip, CV64 4MB, Toccata
> Audio, VLab-Motion, Ariadne-Ethernet,Cyberstorm 060 MK-II Flash ROM,
> 1 GB Fujitsu M1606-S S CSI drive (which came with the Amiga), a
> 4GB IBM DCAS-34330 SCSI-HD, a Toshiba XM-5301TA SCSI CDRROM, a 1 GB JAZ
> drive, all connected via internal Amiga SCSI; 
> available but not in use:
> Epson GT5000-Scanner, Canon LBP460,Canon BJC240, Zip 100 MB SCSI
> external

I hope you are aware that you can't connect all of them (host
adapter, 2 disks, 1 CDROM, 1 Jaz, 3 scanners, 1 Zip, for a total of
9 devices) under any circumstances... and I wouldn't want to bet that
the switched off ones really don't influnce the bus. 

Most likely, even if the bus is correctly terminated, its just has too much
capacitive load.


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