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Re: Umlaute in tcsh

Quoting Bernd Ernesti (07-Mar-01 08:13:30):

> On Tue Mar  6 23:20:30 2001, Markus Illenseer wrote:
>> > > When I install ctype.tar.gz and set $LC_CTYPE to
>> > > iso_8859_1, it works fine.
>> >
>> > Aaa-haaa, so THAT'S how you get that bastard shell to figure
>> > out 8bit characters (despite bragging in the manpage about how
>> > 8bit-clean it is, no-one I know of has managed to get åäö
>> > working in it). I got sick of it and simply switched to bash
>> > which has a sane sh-compatible programming-grammar instead. :)
>>  Well, actualy LC_TYPE setting might also be "de" or "fr" instead
>>  of
>> "iso_8859_1" (or "iso_8859_7").

> Thats wrong for current.

> The current settings for LC_TYPE have to be de_DE.ISO8859-1 or
> fr_FR.ISO8859-1 Nothing else when you want the locales for Germany
> or France.

> The old ctype.tar.gz isn't officaly supported by NetBSD.

On the other hand, look at:

The locale.tgz file mentioned there is exactly the same as the old
ctype.tar.gz I use. However the variable is different.

$LC_ALL is used there. I use $LC_CTYPE.

What's the difference, and, far more important, where are all those
variables documented ???


Cu  Georges Heinesch, Luxembourg
    PGP RSA & DH/DSS public key on request and on public servers

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