Subject: Re: Deluxe Paint like paintprogram?
To: Amiga NetBSD maillist <>
From: J.O. Aho <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/31/2001 21:30:28
On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Henrik Berglund SdU wrote:
> > I'm looking for a good paintprogram which is more usble than xpaint and such,
> > more like Deluxe Paint or Personal Paint.
> > Anyone who knows about such?
> gimp?
No, it's far from DP and PP, it's more like "art affect" IMHO.
I miss the palette, where I can change the color in a easy way in the whole
picture and the easy way to edit thinks pixel for pixel. They are easy to use,
which you can't say about gimp (IMHO).
All the painting programs I have seen either uses vectors or are more like a
"photo shop" program where you applay effects.
Just DP/PP are the two things I miss most of all from the pure Amiga side, and
hate to reboot and stuff like that. But the world ain't perfect, if it had been
then I had use of that PPC card :) I guess it will take a good while before we
will see a stable unix version which uses PPC on the miggy, APUS I guess is the
one closest to that, but it still have alot to improve (of 10 tries with the
new 2.4.0 kernel I manage to start the installer once, but then it didn't find
my CD-Rom (SCSI) nor the ethernet card (PCMCIA NE2K), so couldn't finish the
//Aho \|||/
(. .)
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