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Re: Disklabel Compatibility, i386/amiga


kent%tiamat.goathill.org@localhost (Kent Polk) writes:

> The mount_ados manpage appears to indicate that one should be able
> to mount an existing ados (ffs) filesystem. I have the same problem
> as the original poster and had tried unsuccessfully to mount ados
> partitions on a scsi drive via i386 NetBSD.

Making Amiga FFS partitions mountable under NetBSD/i386 should be
easy, if it is not already the case (might be endianness problems).

However, I think you experience another problem: the Amiga port does
not use the standard BSD disklabel, but rather the AmigaOS's Rigid
Disk Blocks scheme. Only NetBSD/amiga handles this.

There was some discussion a while ago about making a library that
handles all disklabel-like structures, but don't know where it ended

>From a practical standpoint, you may want to try to stick a BSD
disklabel onto your disk, pointing to the Amiga FFS partitions. I never
tried this, but it may work.


[ I think you can remove port-i386 from the recipients, now ]

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