Subject: Re: 1.5
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/09/2000 12:39:51
On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 02:53:41AM +0000, Lars Hecking wrote:

>  Except:
>  I had to reply [n] when the installer asked me to enable the network.
>  (I have no network card here, but this has always worked before).
>  When I replied [y], I got
>  Routing tables
>  netstat: kvm_read: Bad address (twice)
>  Protocol Family
>  Dest      Gateway     Flags ....
>  netstat: kvm_read: Bad address (ad infinitum)

Hm. This will most likely happen when the installer tries to do a netstat -i
or similar to find out about the list of available network boards.

Have to look at the code to find out why.
