Subject: Re: Problems with grfconfig and PicassoIV
To: None <>
From: Petri Koistinen <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 12/01/2000 21:20:19
On Fri, 1 Dec 2000, John Vrolijk wrote:

> I have similar problems with grfconfig and PIV.
> I never managed to increase the resolution of the console or X11.
> Whenever I try that, my console becomes totally unreadable.
> I will try to explain. When I feed grfconfig a file create with picasso96mode,
> the console looks like it is "split" into several squares repeating the 
> content which is totally unreadable.
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +			+				+
> + unreadable		+ the same unreadable text	+
> +			+				+
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> +			+				+
> + unreadable		+ the same unreadable text	+
> +			+				+
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

This is excatly same thing that I if I try to change console to say
1024x768 more. Above is picture of console screen. And when I try type
something about every second letter is eaten.

Also I notice if try change console to smaller mode than the orginal, like
in 320x240 console "window" is still larger than whole screen available.
If I type "resize" on shell it may help in case. But if I type "resize" in
1024x768 mode console is messed up even more.

> I also never figured out how to calculate the different numbers in the
> file needed for grfconfig.

Why? Didnīt you just say that you have exported modes from Picasso96Mode
program. But anyway, here is how I do it.

Well, if you have Picasso96 installed you should have program
"SYS:Prefs/Picasso96Mode". Start it. Select say "1024x 768" in Resolution
list and select "256colors" in Modes list.

Then open menu "Mode" and select "Print Mode" and you should see next
thing in shell where you started the program

-- copy from my shell window --
Shell-prosessi numero 8
1.  If anything can go wrong, it will.
     (Murphy's Laws)
8.Kone:root> SYS:Prefs/Picasso96Mode 
# Mode: 1024x768 256colors  57kHz  69Hz   active
# for NetBSD 1.2:
x 75996493 1024 768 8 1024 1048 1176 1328 1296 767 776 782 814 813
# Warning: NetBSD 1.2 assumes and uses negative sync polarities but
# this mode does not have these set!
# for NetBSD 1.3:
x 75996493 1024 768 8 1024 1048 1176 1296 767 776 782 813 -hsync +vsync
# ----------
-- snip ends --

Nice fortune there. ;-) Ok, line below "# for NetBSD 1.3:" is for you.
Copy it in file named for exsample "grf3.conf". Edit file so that you
replace x with number one. So you should file which only one line:

1 75996493 1024 768 8 1024 1048 1176 1296 767 776 782 813 -hsync +vsync

now move this to NetBSD side and type:
	grfconfig /dev/grf3 grf3.conf

and start X with startx command and it should open in 1024x768 mode with
256 colors.


If anyone has also similar problems with PicassoIV, I would like
hear more about it.

Petri Koistinen