Subject: web server problem
To: None <>
From: Albert Zick <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 10/28/2000 07:21:54

I have installed thttpd on my A2000 using the packaging
system. (I also installed perl, pico, links, and ssh.)
I then thought that I should test the server before 
putting it on the web. So I installed software to test
the server on another computer that is on the network.
I then tried to test it. I set the test software for 200
parallel connections, After about 30 seconds into the test
the server stopped serving web pages. However, the computer
did not crash. I was able to use the computer until I
decided that the best thing was to halt it, and reboot.
It never halted. I then forced it to reboot with the
control-Amiga-Amiga keys. I then booted NetBSD. When it 
rebooted it gave me the error message:

ne0 warning: receiver ring buffer overrun

What do I need to do to fix this?

Thanks in advance,

Say Bye to Slow Internet!