Subject: Re: PCI code
To: <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 07/16/2000 23:15:17
On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 01:58:17PM -0700, Carol Zick wrote:

> What happens to PCI code when it's compiled on a non PCI archtecture? 

"Doesn't work".

But, always assuming the 815 is something we basically know (e.g., one of
the newer generation SIOP chips), most of that driver would be in a frontend
independent file. All we would need is some attachment code that would 
enable the PCI stuff without calling it "pci", create the necessary
bus_space_tags and then call the machine independent driver.

That is similar to how the cv64/3d driver, and to how all those
ISA-chip-on-Zbus drivers work.
