Subject: Re: Misc. quiestions
To: None <>
From: Patryk =?iso-8859-2?Q?=A3ogiewa?= <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/31/2000 18:00:25
Napisane 31-Mar-00 przez: Patryk =A3ogiewa...
>Napisane 31-Mar-00 przez: Hynek Schlawack...


>>>>   5. Is there a online doc for NetBSD? (I found in my local library =
>>>> "UNIX System V" which doesn't cover all administrative topics at all=
>>> Start from

>A good point is "Unix unleashed" AFAIR it was THE book when I started. I=
t is
>not NetBSD specific but it is a good generic one.

Ooops! Sorry. I somehow thought you were interested in a printed book. Do=
think there is an online version of that...

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