Subject: Re: CV64 in truecolor 16bit mode: strange xdvi output
To: None <>
From: Ingolf Koch <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 03/12/2000 22:34:29
On Mon, Apr 14, 2036 at 03:09:29AM +0000, Ingolf Koch wrote:
> with 16bit truecolor visual (5+6+5) on a CV64, xdvi (tetex
> package) produced weird output: When grayscale dithering is
> switched on, the gray shades are displayed in purple.
> (1.4R kernel, current X).

This only happens if I do not use copy mode (with copy
mode, everything is as expected).

In non-copy mode, the new pixmap is put with the GXandInverted
function (via XPutImage()). I have verified that the source
pixmap is ok. Especially, the read components are always
equal to the blue components (gray values, 5+6+5 bits/pixel).

If the destination (before the XPutImage()) also has this
property (red comp == blue comp), it should also hold for
the destination after the operation. But xmag shows pixels
with values e.g. (0xffff,0x79e7,0xf7de).

So I think there is a bug in the X server when using the
GXandInverted function in a graphics context.


Ingolf Koch     ICQ#60829470     Beste Kneipe in Jena-Ost
PGP: 0x7B3B5661  213C 828E 0C92 16B5  05D0 4D5B A324 EC04