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RE: Trouble installing 1.4.1
John Klos <john%klos.com@localhost> writes:
> > > Would not having a MMU cause the kernel to die before showing any
> > > info on screen when starting up? I think my problem must be something
> >
> > I would think that the kernel would not work at all, since it needs
> > the MMU to perform memory accesses.
> Forgive me for asking the obvious, but is there a chance that you have an
> LC '040, and the software FPU emulation isn't compiled into the kernel?
The kernel shouldn't be using any floating point - you shouldn't see
any problems in this case until a user program attempts a floating point
Michael L. Hitch mhitch%montana.edu@localhost
Computer Consultant, Information Technology Center
Montana State University, Bozeman, MT USA
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