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Re: How to build optimized system-binaries for 060?

On Wed, Feb 02, 2000 at 09:45:21PM +0100, Job Hanssen wrote:
> After my troubles earlier this week, I decided to reinstall my system with
> NetBSD 1.4.1 (with the BBC-patch of course). So, I build my custom kernel,
> and all works well, as far as I can tell.
> Now, as I've got all sources and lots of free cpu-cycles, I want to try to
> build 060-optimized system-binaries.
> I imagine that the sanest thing to do would be to start compiling the
> compiler itself, and than use the optimized compilere to compile the rest of
> the system. Can someone tell me what to type in to achieve this?
> I've got all sources extracted to /usr/src, what now?

Put into /etc/mk.conf

COPTS=-O2 -m68060

cd /usr/src; make build

Note that the resulting binaries will NOT run on 68020 or 68030 system if
any floating code is used; this includes printf() calls!.


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