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Re: Can someone send me a 1.4.1 kernel thats working on a 68060 ?

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:

> However, I suspect you are suffering from the "big machien syndrome".
> Please try to boot using the parameters
>       "-n0"
> if this doesn't help
>       "-n0 -m32768"
> and report whether it helps.

Hardware is not my area of competence but something just struck
me. I recently talked to an irc.friend about Apollo accelerators.
According to him, the four SIMM-slots on the 4040 and 4060 occupy
32M of address-space each, meaning that if you put anything but
32M SIMMs in them, you get address-space "holes" between consecutive
SIMMs. Of course, the 80M this guy has suggests he's got a 32+32+16
config, so I'm probably off track here... 

Could the fragmented physical address-space cause problems though?
I'm sorta looking for 2nd hand accelerators (mainly for the extra
memory) and I want to make sure I don't run into incompatibilities
with netbsd.

/ali: Computer Science Major and aspiring cartoonist. :-) 
(dept) dat94ali%ludat.lth.se@localhost - http://www.ludat.lth.se/~dat94ali
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* a4000/040/18M/AmigaOS3.0 - NetBSD-1.4.1 - cogito, amiga sum *

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