Subject: Re: problems with ppp
To: NetBSD Amiga <>
From: Stanislaw Szczygiel <>
List: port-amiga
Date: 01/13/2000 01:11:47
Hello Ignatios,

On Thu, 13 Jan 2000,  said about 'Re: problems with ppp':

>  On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 12:42:02AM -0500, Stanislaw Szczygiel wrote:
>  > 
>  > 
>  >  I cant dial by modem to internet.  First I used old (and working) files
>  > (chat, peers, options) ,later - these described i docs, and all the time
>  > I have the same effect:
>  I'm not sure when the ser.c driver was canonicalized... you might want 
>  to try /dev/dty00 instead. (the "dialout" device)

there is no dty00 device... and generally tty00 works, modem dial number,
conecting with other on the secend side, and then... both messages connecting....
and next "modem hangup".  So Im almost sure, that error is somewhere there:
or inside tty00, or in ppp0, or in the moment of linking these two devices.
Message apeear immidiately after conection - it cant be accident.

>  Hm, actually...  can you show us your dial scripts etc (minus the
>  passwords, of course)?

Of course, but they are now bsed on ther described in documentation (basic
network) from www pages. I also checked different options - result is:
or dial and hangup modem, dial , write message "modem hangup" but modem
still works , or no dial at all. But ... they are below.I dont include
pap-secrets, belive me  - is OK. 



#!/bin/sh -x
# This script is invoked with one argument, the phone number to call
#  and optionally the account username. If the username in included
#  the chat script used is one that logs into a Terminal Server using
#  a Login protocol. In the absence of the username argument the
#  connection is made to a Server using PAP, CHAP or MS-CHAP authentication.
# If the modem requires any special initialization specify the INIT
#  string here.  If uncertain leave this blank or use the value
#  used with the modem when running MacOS (or Windows).
# Crack the argument string and get the phone number and optionally
#  the account username.
NUMBER=`echo $1 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}'`
LOGIN=`echo $1 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
# If LOGIN name is not blank it means we're going to attempt to
#  connect to a Terminal Server using a Login protocol. In that
#  case we need to extract the account password from the pap-secrets
#  file.
if [ -n "${LOGIN}" ]; then
     PASSWD=`/usr/bin/grep ${LOGIN} /etc/ppp/pap-secrets | /usr/bin/awk
'{print $3}'`
rm -f ${TMP}
umask 077
echo 'ABORT BUSY' >${TMP}
echo 'ABORT "NO CARRIER"' >>${TMP}
echo 'ABORT "NO DIAL"' >>${TMP}
echo 'TIMEOUT 10' >>${TMP}
echo '"" AT' >>${TMP}
echo 'OK ATZ' >>${TMP}
if [ -n "${MODEM_INIT}" ]; then
    echo "OK ${MODEM_INIT}" >>${TMP}
echo "OK ATDT${NUMBER}" >>${TMP}
echo 'TIMEOUT 60' >>${TMP}
echo 'CONNECT ""' >>${TMP}
# This section might require some hand tweeking to deal with the
#  prompt strings received from the Terminal Server during Login
#  and what needs to be sent to bring up the PPP link.  The default
#  here assumes the Server will prompt for Username with "Username:"
#  and Password with "Password:".  Following validation the PPP link
#  is started with the "ppp" command to the Server.
if [ -n "${LOGIN}" ]; then
    echo "name:-\r-name: $LOGIN" >>${TMP}
    echo "word: $PASSWD" >>${TMP}
    echo "ppp" >>${TMP}
# Now invoke the script we just built
/usr/sbin/chat -f ${TMP}


#This is an example script that connects to an ISP using PAP.
#  Things to change:
#    In the first non-comment line make sure the modem line is correct
#       and the modem speed is properly specified.
#    In the "connect" line specify the phone number of the ISP and
#       optionally the account username specified in the "user" line.
#       If the username is supplied it is blank separated from the
#       phone number list and implies that a Terminal Server type
#       Logon will be used.  In the absence of the username field
#       the connection will be made using PAP, CHAP or MS-CHAP
#       authentication.  In both cases the password will be obtained
#       from the pap-secrets/chap-secrets file based on the value of
#       the "user" parameter.
#    In the "ipparam" line specify in a string the Domain, Nameservers,
#       and optionally the Searchlist. The three fields are blank
#       separated and multiple values in an individual field are
#       comma separated.  This information is used to dynamically
#       build the /etc/resolv.conf file when the link comes up.
#    In the "domain" line specify the name of the domain for the ISP.
#    In the "netmask" line specify the sub-net mask for the service
#       which we will be connecting to.  Normally this is
#    In the "user" line specify the account name used for login to the
#       ISP.  If connecting to an NT/RAS Server this should be in the
#       form of NT/RAS Server Domain <backslash> NT/RAS User name. The
#       <backslash> must be quoted with a <backslash>.
#    If connecting to an NT/RAS Server it might be necessary to include
#       the "nopredictor1" and "nobsdcomp" options.
/dev/tty00 57600 # modem port and speed
connect '/etc/ppp/chat-telbank "xxxxxxxxx"' # connect script - sorry, number
not for all (stanley)
welcome '/sbin/route delete default' # delete any current default routes
#ipparam "<domain-name> <nameservers> <searchlist>"
passive# wait for remote to come up
crtscts# use hardware flow control
defaultroute# add default routing when link comes up
lock# lock the modem port on connect
modem# use full modem control
noipdefault# no local defaults for IP addresses
lcp-echo-interval 30# ping the remote every 30 seconds
lcp-echo-failure 10# declare link down after 10 pings fail
#ipcp-accept-local# allow remote to specify our IP address
ipcp-accept-remote# allow remote to specify his IP address
#netmask <domain IP Mask># netmask for our assigned IP address
#domain <domain-name># domain name we're connecting into
user nbpdidyr# account name to use to log onto remote
mtu 1500# maximum transmission size for link

.... çh?  ?  ```â  m`ëîM  éï  ëâ`gs

|       TNX
|____     BYE