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Re: Review article: Comparison NetBSD / Linux for Amiga
On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 01:53:48PM -0700, Michael L. Hitch wrote:
> Aymeric Vincent <Aymeric.Vincent%crans.ens-cachan.fr@localhost> writes:
> > Lars Hecking <lhecking%nmrc.ucc.ie@localhost> writes:
> ...
> > > Is AGA good enough for X11?
> >
> > Definitely not, unless you like to use X11 with just 2 bitplanes...
> 2 bitplanes?
> Even X11 on ECS will run with 4 bitplanes.
> I'm running a 832x600x8 display on my A4000. It's not the speediest
> display around, but it's good enough for me to run X11 on, and certainly
> beats the ECS mode.
Well, let me confess...
- one major speedup can be used by not using overscan, and by not using all
the possible bitplanes. E.g., 3 planes ECS, and I suspect 6 placnes AGA?
Else the cpu will have very little chance to write to the display memory,
and the system will feel _really_ slow.
I tried both methods.
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